Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Blessing your Elders

“Maayong buntag, udto, hapon, gabii… diha Manoy, Manang…” or blessing your elders is a Filipino tradition that shows respect for someone older than you. It involves bowing the head, taking the hand of the elder, and placing it on your forehead. It may look strange if you’re unfamiliar with the practice, but in reality, you’re asking your elder for his/her blessing. The elder may respond, “God bless you.”

Filipino children today still bless their elders to show respect. It is done when the elder is seen for the first time during the day. There is no age limit. You normally bless the ones two generations or more older than you. These people are your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, godparents and family friends. A child usually blesses people around their parents age or older. Even an adult in their 30′s or more still bless people older than them. Young children are initially directed by their parents when to bless until they learn to do it on their own.

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